Books & Stuff

The plate umpire often uses an indicator (some...
The plate umpire often uses an indicator (sometimes called a clicker or counter) to keep track of the game (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I need to get back to reading soon. There are about 2 dozen books (yes physical paper books) sitting on my book shelf waiting for me to read them. During softball season I just don’t have the time or focus to read.

Now I am sleepy and think I shall ramble. Cardinals just lost to the Cubs 3-0. Indians beat Blue Jays 4-2. I missed my softball games due to thinking I had until 8:30 to be at the park when in reality I should have been there at 6:30. Ugh.

Still trying to attract customer’s to my 5LINX site ( but its been slow going. Its been six months and family and friends have not helped. Its quite frustrating.

So much stuff floating around in my head…I think the next six months could be radically different depending on where my spinning head lands in some big decisions. Oh well…