Communication is a must!

Hello and welcome to the back side of November. Most of the turkey population in North America is out of the culinary spotlight until next year so bring on the candy canes!

If you follow my other social media (Facebook, Twitter, podcasts, etc.) then you are probably up to speed on my feelings pertaining to contractors and freelance workers. And when I talk about this situation I cannot stress enough that the things I mention do not extend universally to all contractors and freelance workers. That is a major problem with our society in general these days is that a person will make an observation or statement and immediately those words apply to everyone of a nationality or genre and it simply is unfair and incorrect. Continue reading “Communication is a must!”

Into the night without a paddle

It has been awhile since I’ve been continuously awake and alert and intent past the 9pm hour. For months upon months it seems that I’ve just not possessed the energy or the will to engage myself with a real sense of purpose. Over that time it would appear as though I’ve had quite a bit of social media output but if you really look closely, all those likes, shares, memes et al really do not amount to much more than activity.  Continue reading “Into the night without a paddle”

Bohemian Rhapsody…what even is that?

So apparently Freddie Mercury really liked cats…this was my take away from the Queen inspired movie Bohemian Rhapsody. Just kidding. Bazinga.


Continue reading “Bohemian Rhapsody…what even is that?”

November 1st


cute cuddly toy cartoon costume

I hope you are having a great start to the month of November. Obviously the term great is relative…so if you had a terrible end to the month of October, perhaps by just having a non-terrible day, that might boost the daily status to great by default.

Anywho, I hope to greatly increase my content over the rest of the month once the wedding is done on the 9th. Unless it goes down like the Red Wedding in Game of Thrones, we should be in a decent place afterwards.

Have a positive week and we shall talk to you soon!

