Looking ahead (01-31-2021)

Good afternoon to one and all who found their way to my tiny virtual blog corner of the universe. Here in Missouri (of the United States), the weather is dreary, gray, blustery and cold. Not the bitter cold of the extreme north or south poles, but cold nonetheless. By now some parts of the country and the world for that matter have endured literal feet of snowfall but within the St Louis region we have maybe had half of a foot cumulative. Some locally enjoy the snow (or at least the appearance of it) and on the flipside some loathe its very mention. At this time…there’s really not much first hand to report on that front so we shall move on.

Covid-19 Timestop

So over the years of doing my blog, I have sometimes chirped in on trending topics or important occurrences. With the Election Year ‘lockdown’ of 2020 for the Corona virus, how could I not at least put down a bread crumb marker for later? Hopefully the events and tragedies surrounding this version of the virus (Covid-19) are a one-time, once in a lifetime happening. Obviously for those who lost their lives to the virus, it will be but for the rest of us let’s hope to never see this kind of sadness and selfishness again.

Flood Waters 2019

It seems, at least to me, that just about every year I am writing a blog piece about the local flood waters here in Missouri. There would be a certain contingent who would simply shout, “Just move away already!” OK fair enough but I’m not actually in a flood plain and where I live is above the critically afflicted. How the flood waters affect me is more superficial than anything. A few of the most convenience routes are under water causing me to seek alternative roads that may take a little longer to traverse. There are other people, some known, some unknown who are directly affected and displaced or facing total loss of possessions that are in more peril than myself and could use the relief. Continue reading “Flood Waters 2019”