A Holiday Weekend in May

Good afternoon and welcome to the last Tuesday in May 2018 of your lifetime! I tried to come up with something clever and catchy for the title but as of the writing of this part…I hadn’t tapped into anything yet. Maybe it will just come to me. Time will tell.

Continue reading “A Holiday Weekend in May”

Paper Airplanes

Sometimes it seems like nothing, and I mean virtually nothing, is within our control. At times like these I fall back on a sentiment from a cheesy little movie I truly enjoy called The Replacements. The main character in the made-up football flick is Shane Falco. During the course of the movie we get bits and pieces of his current life and the backstory that the ‘present day’ person is built upon. Shane’s character has a minute in time where he is addressing his teammates in the locker room. This is a vulnerable moment where he relays a fear to try to unite his teammates. His analogy is about the pitfalls of his playing career. He labels his fear: quicksand; I’ve stolen the passage and pasted it below: Continue reading “Paper Airplanes”


Hello! Today is May 22nd 2018 A.D.

As of the writing of this blog post I have seen up through season 7 episode 1 of The Game of Thrones HBO series. There are six more episodes on the DVDs at home if I recall correctly. For the avid fans, you are probably like “what the heck is taking you so long to finish those?” While I do enjoy the series, I will admit I find the seasons to be a grueling grind at times. So often the show’s writers revel in killing off characters, after it took so much effort for me to finally appreciate them for their badness or goodness. It is reasonable to understand that the loss of a notable character creates drama and impact, but sometimes the deaths and innumerable weddings tend to blend together in an inevitable conveyor belt process that chafes just as pressing exposed skin against a cycling belt sander ribbon.

Continue reading “GOT  DRAGONS? – GAME. OF. THRONES.”

May 7th Cleveland Indians Report

Good afternoon and welcome to my blog. A few times each year I will take to this forum to discuss my favorite baseball team, the Cleveland Indians. Unlike some baseball fans who only gripe about the problems with their team or are completely bias when it comes to their favorites, I break down my team in an honest fashion and at least offer semi-reasonable solutions. Also when I perceive weakness with a player or position or unit, I suggest a solution or point out how the problem could have been avoided. So with the tracks greased, let’s shove off and see how much speed we can pick up before the termination point! Continue reading “May 7th Cleveland Indians Report”

May the 4th…

Stop right there. I know mentally there are some of you already gearing up your Star Wars references. I’ve been on Facebook and Twitter since early this morning so the bombardment has only grown in momentum. But if you must, go ahead and sling about your Star Wars forced fourth references.

Continue reading “May the 4th…”

Random Things at Random Times

Good afternoon and welcome!

For the regular readers: Hi, how ya doin?

For the unsuspecting others who landed here via the hands of fate (or a search engine), you may be in for a treat! Or possibly just in for a head-scratcher of a time. Continue reading “Random Things at Random Times”