Why don’t you write more?

Hello all. As I type this I am three days into a head cold, yes it’s just a head cold. This sucks. I’m not majorly debilitated in any way, I just have head congestion and a little scratchy throat. In years past, before the C word spread over the globe, I would’ve taken some Sudafed and boldly gone out into the world to carry on in spite of the sickness. Ah but this is the broken year 2020 and all the rules have changed. In the last 9 to 10 months, the old world has disappeared like the ice in a fast food cup sitting on the asphalt during the noon day sun of summer. Gone are the days of ‘toughing it out’. Replacing those sickly souls slogging along coughing and wheezing, are the devout hand-washers and toilet paper hoarders. We are sitting at three weeks to go until the end of this blasted year. I had remained virtually (ha, see what I did there?) sniffle-free for most of the year. Almost made it to the end. Oh so close.

December 2020 Picture Purge

Good morning! It’s that time again to assemble a random assortment of images that have accumulated on my desktop over the course of the weeks. As you can see, some are personal and some are just memelicious! Hopefully you find something to suit your mood in this stew of snapshots. We are less than three weeks away from Christmas and less than four weeks away from 2021! What awaits us on the other side of that December door? Stay tuned…

Have a great week and rest of the month!

Peace. <<12-05-2020>> #33

Picture Jumble – August 2020

It’s that time again, yes it is! I have a weird collection of pix on my desktop that I need to purge…but before I do, I present them for you to judge me, er them:

Have a great week. Peace.


Desktop Picture Purge – April 2020

Every so often I need to clean up my laptop desktop area. In doing so I tend to notice quite a bit has accumulated there. For your review and judgement, I present the most recent weeks worth of clutter. Enjoy. Stay safe out there.

Peace. <<04-22-2020>>

St Louis Blues Capture the Cup (Lord Stanley’s Cup that is!)

As I’ve admitted on my podcast (The Freak Show podcast on Podbean), these days I’m more of a casual St Louis Blues fan. I’m not going to be a phony and say that I’ve been living and dying with each game of the Blues since my first game experience back in 1980. Continue reading “St Louis Blues Capture the Cup (Lord Stanley’s Cup that is!)”

PitMad … The Twitter Game?

Hello friends.

It’s OK to relax in here, this is a relative cyber safe zone. But out in the social media realms, all is fair in love and posting. As of today, I noticed that the hashtag (#) PitMad was trending again. I noticed another one a while back and tried my hand at posting a blurb with a potential story. As you may have guessed, I received no bites offering me instant wealth or even an inquiry to offer more details. So today I threw out a story that I have had circulating in the back of my mind for quite some time. Continue reading “PitMad … The Twitter Game?”

My Next Tattoo

Hello worldwide readers! Feel free to browse around my blog for a wide-ranging list of topics and interesting perspectives on said topics. As many of you know, I am in the middle of a money drought mostly due to my upcoming wedding in less than four weeks. Then in short order afterwards, Christmas shall be here. Hopefully by February or March I will be able to dig out from under the associated debts for these two events or at least that is my plan. At that time (February-March) I hope to get back in the tattoo chair for some new body art and the blood-letting experience that goes with it.

Continue reading “My Next Tattoo”

Cleveland Indians vs the AL Playoff Contenders


Hello! I am an avid follower of my Cleveland Indians, sometimes much to my chagrin. I usually do a piece once or twice per season to ‘break down’ my team’s performance and spotlight where I see concerns heading into the Hunt for October Gold. Many, many years ago I swore a personal oath that I would get a tattoo to commemorate if/when the Indians would win a World Series title in my lifetime. As of this writing, I have no such tattoo…but I’m ever hopeful. And for the record, it will be a full color or black and white rendering of Chief Wahoo. Those people who are offended by a cartoon rendering of an Indian or think that the depiction is offensive…get a clue and a life. I will not apologize for my stance on this topic and you can Google my other pieces that I’ve written detailing why the cartoon image should be left alone. Continue reading “Cleveland Indians vs the AL Playoff Contenders”

August 2nd – The day after the 1st…


Good day! Thank you for reading today’s blog post or posts…depending upon how motivated I let myself get. For those intently wondering, there are still no leaked reports to the interweb about a possible Snakes on a Plane 2 movie script or Broadway hopeful play script. I’ve tried to leak one myself but the web at large has categorically rejected it. C’mon how hard can that script be to do? The first one got made and the premise there was toilet paper weak. Continue reading “August 2nd – The day after the 1st…”

Dead Space Four


Good morning or afternoon or twilight or darkness hours or whatever suits your present time situation. We collectively have edged into the second half of the month of July. This year has seemed to fly by quite quickly. Sometimes that is a good thing. There are people in the world healing from sickness and injuries and of course time is needed for that process to move along. For those with accrual time off systems through their workplace, that is also good so they can get more time off or eek out the time left until their time off ‘bank’ is replenished. (Raises hand) This last one is near and dear to my heart I must sadly report. Continue reading “Dead Space Four”

A Holiday Weekend in May

Good afternoon and welcome to the last Tuesday in May 2018 of your lifetime! I tried to come up with something clever and catchy for the title but as of the writing of this part…I hadn’t tapped into anything yet. Maybe it will just come to me. Time will tell.

Continue reading “A Holiday Weekend in May”

Tuesday Picture Fun – 03-27-2018

Sometimes I cannot function well enough to put together two to eight thousand words like I would like to…so on those days I grab a bunch of random pictures and let them speak for me. Today’s pictures depict, well, you tell me.

Have a great day and let me sort out my brain for extended word related content.



Chief Wahoo and The Cleveland Indians

Hello and welcome to my blog.

As many of my friends and readers know, I am a Cleveland Indians baseball fan. I have said on numerous occasions that I would get a tattoo of Chief Wahoo when the Indians win the World Series. The best chances of that happening may have been in 2016 and 2017. But this week, the evil overlord of Major League Baseball, Darth Manfred finally coerced the ownership of the Cleveland Indians to abandon the Chief Wahoo logo in favor of the scripted ‘I’ or a ‘C’ permanently starting in 2019. So this is our last hurrah as Jake Taylor would say. Continue reading “Chief Wahoo and The Cleveland Indians”

Hump Day – 01-24-2018 – Haircut & Lady Gaga


Hello and welcome to this Wednesday morning edition of my blog. This post is semi-dedicated to my haircut experience from yesterday. Here are their stories ((Law & Order sound effect))

Wait…today isn’t Wednesday anymore? Dadgumit! Continue reading “Hump Day – 01-24-2018 – Haircut & Lady Gaga”