Softball Memory / Protect Thyself

Good morning and welcome to the last day of February 2018 ever!

So today I recorded my 34th edition of my re-vamped podcast (The Freak Show on Podbean) and I was giving updates on various things since my last podcast which included softball for this weekend and status updates on the tournament I am hosting for Greg Fusco’s family on March 10th-11th. In the process of putting this tournament together, I have been in contact with Greg’s mom a little bit. For those who do not know about Greg Fusco, he was a softball player in Florida who was struck in the head by a batted softball. A line drive hit him in the temple while he was pitching and he was momentarily rendered unconscious. A few minutes later he was helped off the field and later went to the hospital. During his extended stay in the hospital his condition worsened and he later died due to the serious head trauma sustained. This in itself is utterly tragic news in our softball community. We who play this game of softball enjoy and love it like an outsider cannot begin to understand. I came to find out that Greg had recently gotten married and was just back from his honeymoon when the injury occurred. To compound this horrific event, the universe allowed this to happen so soon after his married life had begun; it also unfolded right before his birthday would have come about and just before Christmas. All of this is a lot to process much less absorb and far too much for a mother and new wife to have to endure. Continue reading “Softball Memory / Protect Thyself”

WWE, maybe it’s real for me!

Good afternoooooon! Hello! Howdy and most of that associated snazzy jazz.

Today is February the 27th (Tuesday). Collectively, we are a couple days removed from WWE’s latest pay-per-view event (The Elimination Chamber). I call it a pay-per-view event but in reality unless you bought a ticket to be there, you were probably just watching it via WWE’s streaming service or from a link on-line somewhere for free. There might be a few places where the actual pay-per-view could be purchased but there are not many of those left in the WWE Universe. Continue reading “WWE, maybe it’s real for me!”

Snapchat Solutions

Hello and welcome to the very last Friday in February 2018!

I make a solemn promise, here and now, to not mention Nick Nolte any more than necessary over the next several hundred words (subject to change). As many of you know I am on Snapchat (@oohaw94) along with several other social media platforms. Matt, my long-time friend and best man to be at my wedding, is also on Snapchat. He has two daughters of the teenage age range and naturally they are on Snapchat as well. I occasionally communicate with his youngest daughter regarding softball and general life advice. His oldest daughter I rarely interact with but I will sometimes tap through her ‘story’. As a person who is seen as quirky and unorthodox, I hold no candle to his non-softball playing daughter in those categories. I’m not saying anything bad or negative about her, but her Snap threads and stories tend to be off the page a bit which is more or less why the app was created. Continue reading “Snapchat Solutions”

Collage Day – Aim Low!

Sad to say this was the extent of my focus ability towards ye old blog today. In between I looked for Dodgeball (the movie) on Netflix, Hulu and YouTube but came up with nada in the for free arena. I did find a jacked up version on YouTube and made that work.

So as I traverse to towards personal insanity (only 16 days until the Fusco Memorial Softball Tournament) I warmly wish you a good evening and hopefully your forthcoming Friday is of superior quality to the those shoddy ‘other’ days of the week.  🙂

Cheers! And Peace.

MyBenefitWallet HSA and How Not to Do Customer Service

Greetings and welcome to Day 20 of the month of February 2018. So far today all the hits on my blog are surf hits. This means that of all the views, all of them were generated by search engine links and not just people going to my blog homepage. This makes me a bit happy as my body of work gets read around the globe – thank you Spain and the UK plus all the bulk of my readers here stateside! Continue reading “MyBenefitWallet HSA and How Not to Do Customer Service”

Stop The Madness


Welcome to my blog and I hope this writing finds you safe and content, if possible. For anyone who knows me, they typically know that I try to be logical, open to discussion and passionate about the things. I say things as it covers all manner of sins from baseball to love of companion animals and so on and so forth. Right now in this country the judicial system seems to have been retired and everything of debate is settled in the arena of social media. Allegations surface and a person of interest is automatically condemned as guilty based on the title of the post or tweet. Same goes for natural or man-made disasters and the deluge of social media out-crying: hurricane damage, public mass shootings, earthquake fallout, plane crashes, Tide pod eaters, foreign border skirmishes, disease outbreaks, cigarette smoking related illnesses, drunk driving and the list goes on and on. Continue reading “Stop The Madness”

Cleveland Indians Visit Busch Stadium in 2018!

OK I know I just posted but I got a special link to get reduced Flash Sale tickets for Monday through Thursday games on the St Louis Cardinals schedule. In scanning their schedule I ran across tickets for my Cleveland Indians for June 25-26-27 which is just days after my birthday! Rejoice! Yaaaay!

OK I’m better now. But that really pepped up my morning. Yes!

Have a great day!


The Water vs The Soda

Today is Monday. Counting backwards: Today-1, Sunday-2, Saturday-3, Friday-4 and Thursday-5.

So today is day 5 of…no soda or energy drinks. For some of you reading this, you are like…so what? For me over the last several months and years I have been neglectful of drinking water. I will drink water if there is nothing else but for the most part I tend to have a soda or two during the day and on those hard to get going mornings, I pop the top on an energy drink. Right now at day five, this is honestly the longest I’ve gone without a carbonated beverage of some sort for literally years. Continue reading “The Water vs The Soda”

If You Don’t Stop And Look Around…

If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it (life). Thank you Ferris Buehler (Matthew Broderick’s character) for this simple, yet sage advice.

This week we are already locked in at Thursday and the first three days of the work week have flown by at a stressful, break-neck pace. Much has been accomplished and still far more yet to accomplish.

For all of us out there breaking our backs everyday…take it Bret Michaels and Poison. Aint lookin for nothin but a good time, it don’t get better than this.

For all my peeps who text me, instant message me or just plain acknowledge me when they run into me in a public setting…that’s for everything. With all the facets of life we have to navigate, most of them not easy, it’s nice to have good people in your corner to help you out on those days when finding a way by yourself is too daunting. Just saying.

Everyone have a great week up into the weekend and we shall talk again soon.

