SUNY University – New York: Make An Effort To Make It Right

So back on June 24th, 2019 (the day after my birthday) and twelve days before I had my heart attack, I wrote a piece detailing the horrific experiments done in the hollow name of science on living, breathing and AWAKE cats and kittens. Writing the piece and thinking about the psychopathic practices of a organization touting itself as an institution of higher learning, made me physically ill. I’m not exaggerating or joking one bit either.

Normally I can infuse some levity and silliness into my posts but there was zero to joke about on this topic. The facts pertaining to their experiments and flawed research was something out of a Mary Shelley novel…only cruelly worse. In this day and age of iPad simulations and medical Virtual Reality technology, the thought of so-called ‘educated people’ to still be bumbling along like researcher neanderthals is tragic and shameful.

Link to previous SUNY post

Yesterday I received an e-mail notification regarding an on-line petition I signed protesting SUNY University. The petition update alleged that SUNY University has finally ceased this abhorrent practice that they have been perpetrating for over three decades! I truly hope this is accurate. Now I can shift my focus to try to get the powers that be at SUNY to have a conscience and have them donate food and litter to shelters in need for their cat/kitten populace. I doubt they will have any remorse and aim to make any amends but all I can do it try.

Everyone please love one another and of course your furry friends as we approach Thanksgiving. Check back often for more posts or if you are so inclined, give my podcast (The Freak Show on Soundcloud) a listen.

Peace. <<<11-26-2019>>>