Friday Random Show Me Search


Finally it is Friday! Thank the all-powerful entity behind the curtain of the universe for making this happen! So today, as I like to do on occasion, I have lined up a number of random phrases or nouns or funny words. From there I plug them into the magical Google search box and see what images are brought forth. Let us begin!

Continue reading “Friday Random Show Me Search”

Softball, Bugs Bunny…What If?

Good morning or if you are reading this from a sensory deprivation chamber on a computer that has stripped out the date and time module – good every time of the day to you!

Continue reading “Softball, Bugs Bunny…What If?”

What Do You Have To Be Stressed About?

So I’m asking this for a friend. Actually no I’m not. Because frankly the question is intrusive and kind of rude.

arrows close up dark energy

Hi there to my repeat readers and also those who are discovering my blog for the first time! For those new readers who have not read much (if any) of my blog posts, let me just preface this introduction by stating that usually I take a topic and expound upon it as it affects me on a primal level. There is not too much continuity or a universally unifying theme for my posts except that I am giving my unsolicited two cents worth on an issue or subject. Continue reading “What Do You Have To Be Stressed About?”

Meg vs Mosasaurus – Tale of the Tape

Meg Bite

Good morning! As someone who is easily drawn in by monster movies, I saw The Meg over the weekend. I would wager that a significant portion of the people who saw it had no clue it was adapted from a series of books written by Steve Alten. Like most movies adapted from book form, Hollywood takes many, MANY liberties with the facts and story to fit what they think the viewers will want to see, production value, production costs, etc. This endeavor sadly was no different. For generic ballpark reference, the story roughly had the same characters and a few of the basic elements. But, in my opinion, I felt like most of the major players were mis-cast. And let’s not even get into the shark’s behaviors. Oy vey. Continue reading “Meg vs Mosasaurus – Tale of the Tape”

Cards Against Humanity: The Job Application


Good morning and Happy Thursday!


So I was scrollin’, scrollin’, scrollin’ (put that in a Limp Bizkit rhythm in your brain) on my Facebook thread the other day and ran across a link to apply to be a part-time writer for the ultra-popular and not at all politically correct card game: Cards Against Humanity. To make it even more amusing, I saw that someone had tagged me in the post with the link. Naturally, I was like: Challenge Accepted. To be 100% honest, I thoroughly enjoyed compiling my list for submission. Will any of my answers tickle the fancy of the Powers that Be over there at CAH? Who knows. I would imagine they will receive a ton of responses and they will range from the amazingly lame to the hardcore disturbing (notify the BAU of the FBI immediately!). Between last night in the car driving home and the drive into work this morning, I churned through a pretty quick and random assortment. The hardest part of the challenge of the submission I think is in the Black Cards. This is where you have to essentially formulate the basis for an open-ended ‘joke’ that comes to conclusion with the White Cards or the ‘punchline’.

Continue reading “Cards Against Humanity: The Job Application”

How much is that candidate in the window?

dollarGood day and Happy Friday to one and all with no exceptions except the people who chose to be bad people, then no good day to you.

Today I ask of you a question: What is the salary range that you are expecting? The reason I ask this is because it is a pretty significant piece of the hiring puzzle. When a person or a couple goes looking for a house, a car, a set of appliances, a softball bat or anything they are looking to acquire for themselves or their household, generally they have a budget in mind. For that slim sliver of a percentage of people or businesses where price is no obstacle, kudos. But for the remainder of us in the real world, resources are finite and there are spending ceilings. Continue reading “How much is that candidate in the window?”

MLB Interview Job

Good afternoon. So for fun I applied for an on-line writing position for one of my favorite baseball sites: This site dishes on potential trades and all sorts of transactions plus perceived Intel on Major League Baseball teams. I must have made it through the pre-screener questions because they sent me the below items to answer: Continue reading “MLB Interview Job”

Write Whatever You Want…

person using typewriter

Hello and good morning. Welcome to my informal, completely non-linear and non-episodic blog spot. First off, I’m going to say hello to my mom because she is directly responsible for this blog post entry. Early this morning she ‘shared’ to my Facebook timeline a link to a writing contest. The title of the online contest is simply: You Are Enough. This contest is being hosted/sponsored by the Positive Writer site ( and offers prizes and other stuff too.

Continue reading “Write Whatever You Want…”

Why did the chicken cross the road?


Good morning and happy Friday! Wherever you may be I hope that the hail falling from the sky is light and any angry birds you may encounter may only be digital things at your mercy. So for those of you wondering about my post title and how I came about it, I shall divulge its origin immediately. Continue reading “Why did the chicken cross the road?”

August 2nd – The day after the 1st…


Good day! Thank you for reading today’s blog post or posts…depending upon how motivated I let myself get. For those intently wondering, there are still no leaked reports to the interweb about a possible Snakes on a Plane 2 movie script or Broadway hopeful play script. I’ve tried to leak one myself but the web at large has categorically rejected it. C’mon how hard can that script be to do? The first one got made and the premise there was toilet paper weak. Continue reading “August 2nd – The day after the 1st…”