Tampa or Bust

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASo in recent weeks I have contemplated a geographical move. In the whole of my life I have lived within a hour of St Louis and perhaps now (or relatively soon) is the perfect time for a change. Everything else in my life has changed so why not a change of scenery?

The work I do should translate pretty easily (accounts receivable) to whatever region within the continental US I would like to relocate. So it becomes a matter of leaving behind personal relationships (some good, some dormant, some broken). The prospect of having to, in essence, parachute down into a new locale with no support system or first hand knowledge of roadways, etc and forge a new beginning. Sounds daunting and scary a bit.

The first question that comes to mind: Why?

The Why of it is not a simple 6 word sentence to throw out there. A sliver of the Why Pie is this winter in the Midwest has been just brutal with single digit temps for days (which put the kibosh on my dream in recent years to move to Cleveland to be near my Indians in the spring, summer and fall). Yes I know I sound like an old foagie b!tching about the cold but damnit I hate cold! (lol)

It may just be a ripple on the pond of recent disturbances in my life but I thought why not consider it? In the span of a year much in my life has changed…some welcome and refreshing and some painful and arduous and gut wrenching. I typically change jobs when I become disenchanted with my employers (read every 2-3 years) and I’ve been with my current employer 3+ years now and things aren’t bad but talk of outsourcing and a slew of corporate buzz words are flying about restructuring, productivity, alignment, yada-yada-yada.

Moving cost money so that is a small consideration but doesn’t everything cost money?

I haven’t made any solid plans to do anything…but who knows. They play softball in Tampa too. Just thinking.