A December to Remember…and Forget

Welcome to my blog site and Happy New Year (2022). If you are reading this from decades in the future and absorbing all the content instead of having to actually read the words, that is pretty cool. However, if you are reading this in the conventional fashion, that’s OK too.

Today was and is January 1, 2022…late in the evening (after 10pm Central Standard Time). I’ve been pretty busy with my ‘work’ as the end of the year was a big to-do for financial reasons for the company I work for at present. For the last 11-12 days, the distraction of work has been something of a blessing I suppose. Just like I’m meandering and dancing around getting into the meat of this post, I have spent a week and a half doing much to avoid sitting at this keyboard for this post.

To come out with it, I‘m coping with a loss. To my existence, a crucial loss. Trying to quantify how to convey to my readers the depth of this loss is certainly complicated. If you have someone in your life that you talk to or text on a daily basis multiple times…and have basically done so for almost thirty years, then you can probably slip on my shoes. The loss of my friend Mike after nearly three decades of daily or every other day shared silliness has left me adrift emotionally. Mike was victim of Covid-19 and he drew his last breath in this world on Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at 1:33pm.

Mike was a happy-go-lucky person. He was a brother (to Ken). He was a son (to Leon and Barbara). He was a husband (to Jess). He was a father (to Jacob). And he was a friend (to me and many others). I’m sure he was cousin and maybe some other family designations too, but I’m not Ancestry.com to sort that out.

December 2021: Closing the Year with Kitties

Good afternoon or thereabouts depending upon where from Mother Earth you are reading these words. I think my WordPress dashboard was reluctant to let me start the endeavor of creating a new post. The interface was sluggish and glitchy – much like me most days. But after some coaxing with my mouse…here we are. Twenty short days left in this year of 2021. In many ways this year has gone quickly and yet it also feels like the year lasted about 111 or 112 days longer than previous years.

Is The World Without Purpose Now?

Hello to those who have matriculated into Blog U today, tonight…or applicable time of day in your realm.

Does it seem like to anyone else that each new day only serves to spin the sun that much closer in time to implosion with no real positive movement forward by the human race? We here on this blue-green rock called Earth only exist for cell phone providers to target to cannibalize other carrier’s customers, am I right? Meanwhile, the bulk of the general populace seems to have nothing better to do than to snipe and swipe at 2D faces of unknown people who appear to have profiling differences about their preferred dish soap. These are the days of our lives…

Frankenstein’s Monster: I Feel Ya

Pip Pip Cheerios! In the here and now…here is another installment in my blog. Read if you wish and dare!

Within the constraints of the recent past, I sustained yet another softball related injury (shocker I know!). I’m not referred to the boo boo on my chin at this time, but instead the contusion I sustained at the base of the shin and just above the ankle on my right leg. The details of how the injury were sustained are not all that relevant, but the initial severity and lasting effects are. On the inside portion of that area just above the ankle bone that protrudes, there is a vein or blood vessel (I should’ve paid attention in biology or whatever subject taught this difference) just beneath the skin. Factoring in the force of the ball hitting that area and my 185-ish pound frame holding that structure firm…that vein/vessel ruptured upon impact. Initially a ‘bump’ took residence there and over the next several weeks (late April/early May), the swelling and discoloration migrated south into my foot! As we now sit two weeks into the month of June in the year 2021, most of the visible physical trauma has dissipated. Yet, beneath the surface, the incident can still be verified to the touch as a sub-merged ‘bump’ that can be felt. On the corresponding area on the other leg/shin, the consistency of the flesh does not have that same feel to the touch.

Mystery Challenge

For the next two months, I challenge you to participate in your own Mystery Challenge. Don’t disclose the nature of your challenge but let’s check back on February 1st to see if you achieved your goal or if the benchmark desired was attained.

Good luck!


#33 – Scott <<12-04-2019>>

Write Whatever You Want…

person using typewriter

Hello and good morning. Welcome to my informal, completely non-linear and non-episodic blog spot. First off, I’m going to say hello to my mom because she is directly responsible for this blog post entry. Early this morning she ‘shared’ to my Facebook timeline a link to a writing contest. The title of the online contest is simply: You Are Enough. This contest is being hosted/sponsored by the Positive Writer site (www.positivewriter.com) and offers prizes and other stuff too.

Continue reading “Write Whatever You Want…”

Why did the chicken cross the road?


Good morning and happy Friday! Wherever you may be I hope that the hail falling from the sky is light and any angry birds you may encounter may only be digital things at your mercy. So for those of you wondering about my post title and how I came about it, I shall divulge its origin immediately. Continue reading “Why did the chicken cross the road?”

Talladega Nights – Step Brothers Shenanigans

Sometimes me and my friend Mike will slip into a vortex of movie quotes. The easiest for us are probably the Will Ferrell movies Talladega Nights and Step Brothers. So sit back and scroll to the bottom! Enjoy!  Continue reading “Talladega Nights – Step Brothers Shenanigans”