Halloween Costume 2019

What are you wearing?

Hmm. That came across a bit more creepy than I intended. I just meant, are you wearing a costume for the holiday? I did! See below!

And for giggles, here are some other Halloween costumes over the years. Try to guess the age and who I am just for fun!

Feel free to message me for feedback or if you think of a topic I should tackle!

Cheers! Peace.

April 2018 and October 2019

Good day and thank you for reading at least this post…if not more? 😀

Activity-wise, in June 2019 I posted six times and that has been one of my more busy posting months. Since then, a span of 121 days (through today), I have posted less than a half dozen times. It is not for a lack of wanting to that is for sure. There have been at least two dozen times where I had an idea or partially formed concept flash across my brain only to have it wither on the imaginary vine and eventually blow away like smoke into the creative mist. Drats!

Often times I include a riddle in my post titles to try to see if my readers can step through some logically illogical process to determine the genesis of my idea/inspiration. Today’s title along with it’s flavoring comes to me/you/us by the way of statistics.

The last time (month) I had this many visitors/readers to my blog was in April 2018. That’s like 18 months ago! In that particular month I posted six times. So far this month, before today, I had posted zero times. For the entire year of 2018 I posted 108 times! In the first six months of this year (prior to my heart attack in early July), I had only posted 19 times. With the year quickly draining away, there is minimal chance that I will be able to eclipse the 100 post threshold. If you would have asked me at the beginning of the year if I could’ve surpassed 100 posts for the year, I would have said it would be a cake walk. Alas, as we sit here today – no dice.

Just for giggles, let me throw out a few other silly numbers. My lowest monthly total of visitors/readers occurred in November 2014 (71). Inversely, my highest number of monthly visitors/readers happened in August 2016 (529). In my first year blogging (2013), I had a total of 333 views. I expect to eclipse that number for the month of October alone by noon tomorrow. But we shall see.

Everyone who comes here and scrolls through my posts and stays for a read or two – I thank you! Have a great last few days here in October!


Pre-Halloween 2019 Image Jumble!

Hello all!

Every so often I like to grab a snapshot of the random images that have accumulated on my computer desktop and post them on here. The purpose is two-fold:

One, I get to use the collage feature. And two, by posting these random and unrelated picture, I want to try to make my readers venture a guess as to why I was looking at/downloading each photo. So with that put out into our universe…let’s go!

Everyone have a spooky and ghoulish good week! Blah Blah Blah! (said in the voice of an old-time Count Dracula!)


#33 — Scott