December 2021: Closing the Year with Kitties

As I mentioned, the dashboard seemed like a long sleeping ogre and it’s easy to see why. My last blog post was from the end of September and before that a small flurry of postings from July. Despite these facts, I’m already at 101 views of my blog site this month. With over 725 historical posts and some of those very specific in topic, the Google machine and other search engines still direct people from all over the globe here. For this small favor of the universe, I am thankful. If I can eek out another 150 views before the calendar changes from 2021 to 2022…I’ll keep my streak of 3000+ yearly views intact. At present, the streak stretches back to 2015. To me this seems all the more impressive considering I’m closing the year with only two posts for the last five months. Yes there is a chance I could add more…but I’m going to hedge on the under for that bet.

As mentioned, today is Saturday, December 11, 2021. The present time is 1:21pm. So that could look like 121121 1:21pm … some classic computer programmers might draw some parallels with code written back in the day, but in the here and now – it’s just amusing.

With the stresses of the end of the year professionally, financially and emotionally, I decided now would be the perfect time to add a kitten to the mix to give Miss Sadie some feline company. Let me just say for the record: I’m an idiot. Don’t get me wrong, lil Miss Mia Crazee pictured above is a sweetheart. But I grossly underestimated the acquaintance period between Sadie and Mia. Sadie is a tortoiseshell cat as well, but she is around 9-10 years old and Grinch-like crabby towards all things except me. What better way to soothe your nerves and anxiety than listening to agitated growls and hisses promising kitty Hellfire and retribution! See previous statement about me being an idiot.

I’m sure this too shall pass (or so they say), but right now I keep looking at myself in the mirror, pointing to my image and mouthing: DUMBASS.

I hope everyone is doing well with their health, finances and emotional well-being. I know this time of year holds many challenges, but always know you can reach out to me to talk or vent or transfer some overburdening cash you don’t know how to get rid of at the moment. My email is: and I usually check it about 3-5 times daily. It’s there if you need it. Everyone stay safe and I’m looking forward to hearing from more of you in 2022.

Peace. #33 – The Freak <<12-11-2021>>

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