Post Production

Hello all!

I know the title sounds like I am wrapping up a movie or an epic HBO series but in reality, I’m talking about the output (quantity) of posts for my blog. So far this year of 2019 I have produced 16 posts (not including this one). By comparison, last year in June alone I posted 14 times!

AM I LOSING MY DESIRE TO WRITE AND SHARE?! AM I?! Continue reading “Post Production”

A different approach


The literal definition of insanity is: the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness — also: extreme foolishness or irrationality. It has also been stated as: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.


As a side note: I was part of a tournament softball team called Insanity. We had at least three different versions of player jerseys. One version had a variation of the Asylum album cover of the rock band Disturbed. This was the only time as a pitcher for a men’s slow pitch softball tourney team I was hit in the face and bloodied by a batted ball. Damn that Pleasure Town team out of Moberly, Missouri. lol
Okay back to the flow of the day: insanity. So many of us do the same things repeatedly with a similar frustrating outcome; like going to work or eating spicy foods with a delicate constitution. You get the picture.
Today at work is that slow conveyor belt, I’ve seen this movie before but cannot alter where it inevitably will go, kind of Monday. So I moderately rant in silence with an undercurrent of rage building in my chest that I expect to cause my head to pop off with an explosion that resembles at fifth grader’s volcano science project. So perhaps I will draw back into myself and contemplate my oily T-zones to calm my emotions until the end of the work day marker can be reached.
To all of you suffering the same fate, I commiserate and send you my deepest sympathy. Monday, we shall not fall to you today!!!! But statistically speaking you have a 14.29% chance of perishing on a Monday in your lifetime so keep that in your memory bank.
Good luck my friends! Find your happy place and wait it out!

Cheers…and peace.



I may have a dirty fork on my desk that has been there since 2014. Bring on the CSI team.

At the end of the road, it forks: left or right. Left to go home. Right to go home but it takes longer.

There is a song by Information Society ( called A Knife & A Fork. By the way, I just discovered they have a new album from 2014. Who knew??? Music theft in progress.

It’s not wise to slide back in forth, the length of the bath tub, with a fork in both hands. You may lose your security deposit or puncture your shampoo.

Some people ‘fork’ the sign of the devil at you if you scare them with your behavior. I give them the OK sign back or ‘the shocker’.

Plastic forks get thrown away at a rate of half a billion a day. It may be true. Chew on that.

There are no verifiable statistics on how many people are medically treated for a fork stuck in their eyeballs. But you know it happens…just how much?

If chili doesn’t have alot of moisture in it you can eat it with a fork while wearing a white shirt. Why is the chili at Steak N Shake never the same twice? Yummy all the same, just never the same twice in consistency.

In the 1997 movie, As Good As It Gets featuring Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt, Jack’s character Melvin is a germ-a-phobe and visits Helen Hunt’s place of work aka restaurant where her character is Carol. Melvin’s character doesn’t like public utensils and brings his own silverware, yes including a fork!

OK no point to be found here just emptying the Clifford Clavin trunk. Useless information wants to be loved too!

It’s Thursday. Building towards Friday. Throw a softball or a dodgeball today. Make the time and do it. It’s fun.

OK until next time thanks for the time and peace to you.



I think a high percentage of statistics are flawed in their origin or just made up. It might be a good idea to apply for a government grant to study this and come up with some definitive conclusions. I think almost 95% of the usable data will be collected while listening to Bruno Mars or Linkin Park and eating greasy food that is healthy for you but either slathered in unhealthy sauces or fried.

Uncle Sam write me a check please!

Happy Hump Day – PEACE OUT!