Death of a Wii

Howdy friends and cyber neighbors.

I come to you today to announce that my Wii gaming console has bitten the dust. It was a good little system for a little while. The Wii actually came into my possession through my friend Missie. A couple of years ago I assisted Missie in moving out to Desoto, Missouri to live with her then boyfriend Nick.


The move day consisted of us plus 5 or 6 others helping out. At the end of the activities, Missie said I could have the system as she had two or three others on hand and didn’t need it. I gladly accepted her gesture and took it home. As it was, I didn’t really use the system too much to play games but mostly used it as a streaming TV service device (Netflix, Hulu, etc.) because most of the Wii games didn’t play too well with my shaky hands (see my piece on essential tremor).


Alas, it appears me and the white Wii have reached a fork in the road unless I want to recycle it into a cumbersome paperweight (Magic 8 Ball says: Very Doubtful).


Perhaps I shall share my feelings on the topic in my podcast tomorrow…then again maybe not.

Fare thee well my readers of the written word.


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